The iSpring FT15 high-quality 10" x 2" post carbon filter cartridge removes chlorine, tastes and odors. It can be used as the 5th stage on iSpring RO systems or for refrigerators, ice makers, coffee machines, water coolers and more. (iSpring FT15)
The iSpring FA15 alkaline mineral filter produces alkaline water, restores healthy minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium ions which were removed during the RO process. It ph-balances the RO water. (iSpring FA15)
The FT15 post carbon filter should be replaced every 12 months depending on water usage and quality. The FA15 alkaline filter has a service life of 6 months or 1500 gallons. (iSpring FT15 & FA15)
Both the FT15 and FA15 filters have secure push-fit quick connections for faster and easier replacement. Refer to user manual or contact iSpring if facing trouble during installation. (iSpring FT15 & FA15)
The iSpring FT15 is 10" long with 1/4" fittings and weighs 0.7 lbs. The iSpring FA15 is 9 3/4" long with 1/4" fittings and weighs 2 lbs. (iSpring FT15 & FA15)