???? Healthy Drinking: 2300 GPD RO membrane with a high 99% impurity rejection rate. Hundreds of impurities are reduced by over 99% through the 0.0001 micron TFC membrane layer, including heavy metals (fluoride, calcium, magnesium, lead, colloids, chromium, and nitrates), organic materials, and harmful minerals found in water.
???? High Volume: Provides clean water for whole house, agricultural and industrial use. The membrane capacity is 2300 GPD.
???? Advanced membrane technology: With innovative thin layer composite membrane design.
???? Quality Certified: Certified to ISO 9001 Standards. We consistently provide products and services that meet customer quality requirements.
???? Long Life: This is heavy duty membrane element, shipped dry in an original sealed package, has a life expectancy between 24 to 36 months, based on average source water quality, temperature, and incoming water pressure.
???? BPA free components: Our water filter system doesn't contain Bisphenol A or other toxic plastic materials.
???? Why Max Water - We have 15+ years of experience in water filtration industry providing solution with a smile to millions of families. Make Max Water your solution to all your filtration needs.